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apron string 圍裙帶 (be tied to one's mother...


I suspect iris ' therapist told her she was too involved with her parents and that if her marriage was to survive she would have to cut the apron strings and forge a closer relationship with her husband 我估量艾莉思的心理醫生已經告訴她:她與她的父母走得太近;如果要想維持她的婚姻,她必須脫離她父母的控制,并與她丈夫建立更親近的關系。

The second part , the author introduce the common risk , conception of the common risk , the estimate model of risk , the means of apron string . in the third part the author n brought up to risk question in creating new project 有的企業就是由于沒有充分重視風險,而最后導致企業失敗。本論文所探討的就是創業企業的風險問題。本論文共分為四章。

The general opinion was that pierre was tied to his wifes apron strings , and it really was so 大家都認為皮埃爾對他老婆的管教服服貼貼,事實上也是如此。

He ' s over twenty and lives at home , still tied to his mother ' s apron strings 他20多歲了,還住在家里,仍然拴在母親的圍裙帶上。

She will never lave home ; she is too tied to her mother ' s apron strings 她永遠也離不開家;她太依賴她的母親了。